
由香港城市合唱團主辦的《走進遙遠的意大利》音樂會,將由意大利的La Rossignol 這支專業的音樂組合穿上意大利文藝復興晚期的服裝,吹奏原來的樂器,將當年流行於意大利宮廷的那種優雅華麗的生活方式重現舞臺,演唱的曲目將引領觀衆走進遙遠的充滿聖潔愛情和世俗情懷的國度。


城市合唱團和城市青年合唱團合作將演唱Rossini的小莊嚴彌撒(Petite Messe Solennelle)中的三首曲目,以及多首意大利歌劇中的合唱曲




日期 :  2010117 (星期日)

時間 : 晚上 8

地點 : 香港文化中心音樂廳

票價 : $180  $140 $100



節目查詢請聯絡 :  9614 0383 劉先生 Laurence Lau 2832 9799 Comitato della Dante Alighieri di Hong Kong




La moresca –Tielman Susato “Danserye”

Sonata sopra il Ruggiero - Salamone Rossi, “Il terzo ibro

Tempus adest floridum – Anonimo, “Piae Cantiones”

CoroDi schiavi ebrei – LE sponde dell’ eufrate

Bell Chorus – ruggiero leoncavallo, “I pagliacci”

Anvil chorus –Verdi, “Il trovatore”

Kyrie – Rossini

Sanctus – Rossini


Musica proibita – Stanislas Gastaldon

Va pensiero – Verdi, “Nabucco”

Gloria all’Egitto, ad Iside – Verdi, “Aida”



講座內容 :

介紹歐洲文藝復興時期意大利牧歌的產生背景及特徵. 詳述作為流行於當時上流社會的朗誦調 Recitar Cantando)的由來和演唱方法, 及對未來音樂的影響. La Rossignol總監主講. 費用全免, 敬請電話預約 ( 90814645謝小姐 96254274柯小姐) 座位有限, 先到先得.

日期: 201011710:0012:00am

地點: 尖沙嘴香港文化中心行政大樓4, 會議室AC2



La Rossignol (http://www.larossignol.com/)

文藝復興晚期,意大利人的音樂才華至顛峰,更開創嶄新的誦唱法Recitar Cantando),配合朗誦的音樂終於誕生,器樂成就莊重,更達精妙境界。宏偉的意象揉合奢華的裝潢。隨著教授基礎舞蹈的書籍陸續出版,貴族及上流社會無不醉心舞藝。如此逐漸掀起一股浪潮,令社會大眾驚嘆不已,紛紛追求講究優雅的生活方式,模仿過著意國宮廷的王爵生活。在這個時代,音樂、歌唱和舞蹈的造詣,成為攀登宮廷權勢梯階的直接指標。

La Rossignol這一隊專業組合,專門研究及演出意大利文藝復興時期的音樂及舞蹈。他們在舞台上穿上當時的服裝、使用原來的樂器,在作曲家蒙台威爾第(Monteverdi)的訓誡:「音樂為朗誦服務」啟迪下,重塑當年瑰麗奇幻的世界。他們的曲目引領大家踏進充滿聖潔愛與俗世情的國度,體會虔誠教徒的詠唱、音樂、舞蹈,以及宮延歌舞的重現。

La Rossignol1987年成立以來,他們的演出帶領他們周遊列國,現在終於在2010年我們有幸在香港欣賞到他們的演出。


During the late Renaissance the musical genius of Italy reached its peak. There was the invention of the Recitar Cantando - reciting while singing; the music for the oratory is invented; instrumental music achieves its dignity and reach an high degree of sophistication. Magnificence meets luxury. Books about dancing were printed, which remains the preferred art for the nobility. There is a growing effort to stun, to impress the public, to live a way of life more and more refined, reflecting the way of living of the Italian courts of Princes and Dukes. It was in this period that quality of certain music, singing and dancing becomes the direct indication of a level in power of a Court.

The professional group La Rossignol presents Italian Renaissance music and dances. In their performance original musical instruments are used to re create that magic world, inspired by the admonition of Monteverdi that music should be "a servant to the reciting”. Their program proposes a voyage into the world of sacred love and profane love, with chants, music and dancing typical of the devout prayer and the recreation of the courtesans. To be admitted in a Court you had to be able to “leggere a libro” (that is, to be able to sing and play reading from a sheet music).


香港城市合唱團 Hong Kong City Choir (http://www.hkcitychoir.org/main.html)


今年6月曾應香港丹麥商會邀請,於香港演藝學院音樂廳, 與皇家丹麥歌劇院合作, 演出古典歌劇經典作品音樂會。

同年7月赴浙江紹興, 參加第六屆世界合唱比賽,獲得錦標賽宗教音樂組的銅牌及女子小組合唱銀牌,成績超。隨後於上海音樂廳舉辦 早晨!上海專場音樂會,獲得好評如潮及媒體廣泛的報導及迴響。


The Hong Kong City Choir was founded in 1999 by Mr. Man Kin Ping, the current Music Director and Conductor of the Choir.  Today, there are over 60 members of diverse backgrounds, performing choral music of various styles from sacred music, classical to contemporary works.

Since its inception, the Choir has played an active role in choral performances in the city. In recent years, in addition to local performances, the Choir travel has traveled extensively to Canada, Korea, Beijing & Shanghai to perform in various Arts Festivals and received excellent feedback.

In June 2010, HKCC was invited by Danish Chamber of Commerce and the Danish Consulate to perform French and Italian opera highlights together with four singers from the Royal Danish Opera at the HK Academy for Performing Arts.

In July, the Choir participated in the 6th World Choir Games and was awarded one Silver and one Bronze medal in the Champions Competition.  After the Games, they traveled to Shanghai and held the “Good Morning, Shanghai” Concert in the Shanghai Concert Hall. Their remarkable performance has received very positive feedback from the audience and local media.


香港城市青年合唱團 Hong Kong City Youth Choir (http://www.hkcitychoir.org/HKCYC/main.html)


今年7月赴浙江紹興,首度參加第六屆世界合唱比賽,即獲得錦標賽混聲合唱組的銀獎。 並隨後與香港城市合唱團於上海音樂廳聯合舉辦 “早晨!上海 專場音樂會,獲得相當好評。


The Hong Kong City Youth Choir was established in August 2008 by the present Music Director cum Conductor Mr. Man Kin Ping.  We are a group of vibrant young people drawn together by a passion for choral music.  Our members come from all walks of life, all receiving vocal training

In July this year, we participated in the World Choir Games (the 6th Games held in Shaoxing) for the first time and were awarded a silver medal in the Mixed Choirs Category in Champions Competition.  In the same month, we held the “Good Morning, Shanghai” Concert together with the Hong Kong City Choir in the Shanghai Concert Hall.  The performance was highly praised by the audience.


男高音及指揮萬建平先生 Tenor & Conductor Jack Man (http://www.hkcitychoir.org/main.html)


萬氏1989年移居多倫多,於皇家音樂學院深造,使隨著名聲音樂指導,Brahm Goldhamre,曾參加美國朱麗亞音樂學院著名聲教授D.Fello費羅的大師班及作短期訓練。1996年在多倫多成功的舉辦了個人演唱會,次年應加拿大藝術創作中心邀請,飾演義大利歌劇《杜蘭朵》的男主角。他積極參與當地的藝術活動,曾受加拿大多家電視的專訪及表演,以及做示範教學,被加拿大安大略省督頒授“傑出華人”的榮譽。

1990年回香港發展,舉行多次個人獨唱音樂會,並與小交響樂團、上海萬方交響樂團、香港室內交響樂團、廣州愛樂交響樂團等合作,演唱貝多芬第九交響樂,羅西尼小莊彌撒(Petite Messe,以及巴赫的聖誕清唱劇(Weihnachts-Oratorium)。萬氏演出頻繁及踏足北美、澳大利亞、中國大陸、 韓國等著名城市。20109月與匈牙利交響樂團合作,在布達佩斯和奧地利金色大廳演出。除演出外,萬氏1999年創立“香港城市合唱團”,在06年的世界合唱比賽中獲得金獎。20107月,在國際合唱大賽中帶領三個團,榮獲錦標賽的二銀銅優異成績。現任香港城市合唱團、香港城市青年合唱團、香港群聲合唱團,Plasisr Ensemble的總監及指揮,並任華東政法大學人文學院兼職教授、香港中文大學音樂系導師。

萬氏除演唱及教學外,亦擔任多個合唱團的總監及指揮 : 現任香港中文大學音樂系導師 香港城市合唱團、香港群聲合唱團、香港城市青年合唱團、沙田兒童合唱團總監及Plaisir Ensemble音樂總監及指揮。


Mr Man Kin Ping was born in Shanghai. In 1973, he became a student of the renowned professor Tam Yuek-bing of the Shanghai Music Academy and started his singing lessons. In 1979, he was admitted to the Music Faculty of the Shanghai Normal University. He stayed to teach at the university after graduation.

In 1989, Mr Man emigrated to Toronto Canada. There, he furthered his studies at the Royal Academy of Music and studied under Brahm Goldhamre. While in Toronto, he was invited to sing the male leading role in the opera Turandot. He was honored “Outstanding Chinese” by the Governor of the Ontario Province for the contribution he made to Ontario in cultural and performing arts.

In 1990, Mr Man has given numerous solo recitals in Hong Kong and has won great acclaims. He has also given many overseas tours, including tours to North America, Australia, Korea and the mainland China.

In 1999, Mr Man founded the Hong Kong City Choir and remains as its Music Director and Conductor until now. Under his leadership and training, the Choir has had many successful public performances and won many awards including a Gold Diploma from the World Choir Games 2006.

Besides being the Music Director and Conductor of the Hong Kong City Choir, Mr Man is also the director of the Hong Kong City Youth Choir and Hong Kong Kwan Sing Choir. He is also the vocal instructor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong's Music Department and a Visiting Professor of Humanities School of East China University of Political Science and Law.